Friday, July 26, 2024

Ponderings on Misunderstandings - an unfinished post

I found this post in my draft folder today when I opened the blog to post the Chart of Christmas Sundays (included below). I had forgotten I had started this! While I still have more images to load, I'll just post what I have. 

Quotes are from the CGS Materials Manual FAQ regarding the wooden Liturgical Calendar. 

This is a major work, and there is a great level of nuance to it (including the Metonic Cycle, ecclesial date of the equinox, time zones and so much more!). I have found ways to keep it essential but accurate enough that can a child's understanding can build into the nuances if they choose to explore deeper. I am deeply saddened when inaccurate information is put forth for the sake of the essential. This only sows confusion and discord within a child's heart to have to re-learn (or choose not to because now it is too tedious!). 


"The Liturgical Calendar moves counterclockwise. This is in keeping with Maria Montessori’s version of the Liturgical Calendar as a reminder that “God’s time is not our time.”"

It is true that Dr. Montessori suggested having the Liturgical Calendar material counterclockwise for this reason, but it was not her "version" - it is simply her explanation for why something was set up already and had been so for centuries. It is only in the United States of America (and areas influenced by USA) that anyone even thinks to have the liturgical calendar clockwise. 

Some images of liturgical calendars throughout Europe:

"This Liturgical Calendar from Rome does not show Sundays of Christmas.  However, the Liturgical Calendar in the USA shows 3 white prisms for the Sundays of Christmas.   The three white prisms include: (1) one prism for Christmas Day itself (that may or may not fall on a Sunday) (2 ) a second prism for the Feast of the Holy Family (3) a third prism for the Epiphany of the Lord "

"While the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord is actually the first Sunday of Ordinary Time, the color worn by the priest that Sunday is white because the Roman Catholic Ordo calls for wearing white vestments."

There is no "first Sunday of Ordinary Time." The actual term would be "Sunday in the First Week of Ordinary Time" but that day does not exist. It is *always* Baptism of the Lord or Epiphany. Both sets of these readings and related Liturgical prayers are found in the Christmas section of the Roman Missal.  There is a "Monday in the First Week of Ordinary Time." To say this another way, some "liturgical weeks" do not have 7 days or they never use all of their 7 days in the same year; and several are partial some years vs others. That is another topic of discussion (think the first days of Lent, Holy Week, the weekdays after Pentecost and the first two Sundays after Pentecost (these three weeks all are "Ordinary Time" weeks but their Sunday is something else), etc.). 

Conclusion for this topic of discussion: there should be a prism for the Baptism of the Lord. See chart below. 


"Note: The Feast of Christmas falls on a Sunday every seven years. When Christmas does not fall on Sunday, an extra white prism is not added for the Feast of Christmas. But if your completed material has 53 instead of 52 prisms, that is fine, you do not need to change it."

That's not how it works. We have a leap year that messes with the system. Christmas falls on Sunday on a pattern of 6, 5, 6, 11. We just had Christmas Sunday in 2022. The next time Christmas will be on Sunday is in 11 years: in 2033.  2039, 2044, 2050, 2061.


"Note: When Christmas and New Year’s Day both fall on Sundays, the Feast of the Holy Family is celebrated on December 30. But then you would still have the second white prism for the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God and the third white prism for the Feast of Epiphany."

Accurate. Ish. Here is a chart showing what happens for each possibility. Note that there is a 28-year cycle where we repeat the same solar calendar: 

Chart of the Sundays after Christmas based on the weekday of Christmas. 
By far, 3 Sundays are needed after the Christmas prism. 

From the Roman Missal, with my added bold and italics for emphasis.

VI. Ordinary Time

44. Ordinary Time begins on the Monday which follows the Sunday occurring after January 6 and extends up to and including the tuesday before the beginning of Lent; it begins again on the Monday after pentecost Sunday and ends before first vespers (evening prayer i) of the first Sunday of advent.

During these times of the year there is used the series of formularies given for the Sundays and weekdays of this time both in the Missal and in the Liturgy of the hours (vol. iii-iv).

I have another draft post about Finding the Date of Easter and how to build the Liturgical Calendar accurately but simply! 

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Blue Unity - Dr. Who style!

I found this video I had sent to a level 2 catechist creating new materials for her atrium.

At the end my son mentions something about it being metal. LOL! He is of course referencing the experiences of the original Doctor's first companions.

Saturday, May 30, 2020


Among all the liturgical celebrations, Pentecost is yet another that holds rich meaning for us. My son and I celebrated aspects of Pentecost throughout the entire year.

Please see the other Holy Spirit tagged posts on this blog:
Posts tagged Holy Spirit on Seeking the Plan of God
Posts tagged Pentecost on Seeking the Plan of God

Gifts of the Holy Spirit Free Files: 

Years ago, a group of us sat down with the local diocesan requirements, our priest's requirements, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Bible. We had some issues with confusion among sources, and consistency for the children. Biblical lists versus what was provided in CGS training, versus other source all varied. But were they really that different? NO! They just used different terms.

We laid the following terms and definitions for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit at level 3, utilizing each previous term they experienced in level 2 and level 1:

This gift helps us to understand the purpose and plan of God and to live  in a way that helps to bring about this plan. 
It begins in awe and wonder at God’s greatness.
This gift helps us make the right
choices in life and in our relationships with God and with others.
This gift helps us to know what God asks of us and how we should respond.
(Right Judgment)
This gift helps us to make correct choices in life through reflection, discernment, consultation, and advisement.
This gift helps us to have the strength to choose to do the right thing even when that is difficult.
Delight in the Fear of the Lord
This gift calls us to be faithful in our relationships both with God and with others. It helps us to love God and to behave responsibly and with generosity and affection toward others.
Fear of the Lord
(Awe & Wonder)
This gift leads us to a sense of wonder and awe in the presence of God because we recognize his greatness.

Which levels we do what:
Level 1: Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, Right Judgment, Courage, Reverence, Awe & Wonder

Level 2: Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, Counsel, Strength, Piety, Fear of the Lord

Level 3: Change Piety/Reverence to Delight in the Fear of the Lord and Strength to Fortitude

Each level includes the terms used in previous levels so they see what connects and flows.

The documents at this link are free and includes the 3-part and 4-part cards (with definitions) as well as name labels for each level.

Gifts of the Holy Spirit Downloadable Files

The Shepherd and the Vine is offering these sets pre-printed and ready to use!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

All the Vestments!

+Joshua+'s Godfather demonstrates the order of the vestments on our doll-size stand.

This wonderful priest whom we have known since long before he was ordained (we met in college while I was pregnant with Joshua), is wearing the cassock given to me at Joshua's funeral. He commented, "I forgot Joshua was taller than me in the end," because Joshua's cassock is a wee bit too large for him.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Outside the door of heaven

Joshua Alexander Gideon Welsh

"He was taught and he was raised to live his life right outside the door of heaven
which is what atrium is."

~Fr. Jonathan Meyer, All Saints Parish, November 20, 2019

Pertinent clip from a 20-minute homily

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Cenacle: The Last Supper

From the first Cenacle I ever made for my son through to all the Cenacles I have made for others, I have utilized my own design. It is not modeled after anything except the images from the two locations considered to be the possible locations of the original Cenacle.

See the Holy Land - website
     Please note the curved ceilings.

My basic Cenacle has a solid wall back. The Cenacle with the reversible back is to allow for a change through time. The Cenacle where the Last Supper took place (at either possible location) became the first church. An image of the Holy Spirit descending as tongues of fire seems appropriate, but any church background painting would do.

Description from the original Garden of Francis site:
Basic Cenacle - this is a basic cenacle of my own design
with a base, three walls, movable table and a reversible rear image. 

Sunday, December 15, 2019

My love

28 days since I held you in my arms and told you help was on the way. 90 minutes you suffered pain I can't even imagine.

You are my heart. My soul. My strength. My everything.

As I type this, 28 days 10 minutes ago I ran outside, hoping I was wrong. That you were just at the gym. I saw the box at the mailbox and the car with the trailer in front of it - and I knew. I just knew.

Just two more seconds. That's all the difference it would have been.

I love you. I miss you so much. You ARE love. The truest love.

Funeral Homily:
(this link will be updated in the near future)

Be encouraged homily:
13:40 is the key section
Pronouns are not Fr. Meyer's strength. ;)